South Dakota Bat Working Group
Last update 19 February 2025
In the end,
we will conserve only what we love,
we will love only what we understand,
we will understand only what we are taught.
- Baba Dioum
Who are we?
The purpose of the SD-BWG is to work to protect bats and bat habitat through
action, education,
and cooperation
with Federal, State, Tribal, and private landowners. Our objectives are two-fold: to raise awareness a
out the role
bats play in maintaining healthy ecosystems; and to work with public land managers and private landowners
provide alternatives that will reduce possible adverse affects to bats or bat habitat. We are located thorughout the
State and you can reach us at the following:
East-river = Maya Pendleton 801-725-9693 (SDSU, Dept. Natural Resource Management)
Central SD = Silka Kempema 605-773-2742 (GFP Natural Heritage Program)
West-river = Brad Phillips 605-673-4707 (USDA, Forest Service, Wildlife Biologist)
West-river = Joel Tigner 605-390-2061 Batworks-A Chiropteran Consultancy
Western Bat Working Group is another bat conservation group throughout Western United States
White-nose Syndrome (WNS) was detected in SD in May 2018.
Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Geomyces destructans) is a psychrophilic (cold-loving) fungus that causes
white-nose syndrome (WNS), a fatal iseas e that has devastated bat populations in parts of the United States.
Unike other species, P. destructans grows in the temperatures found in winter bat hibernacula (4-20 °C).
WNS in South Dakota
United States Forest Service
National Park Service
WNS Response Team
Bat Conservation International
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